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Whitest places to liveList of the largest cities ranked by White Population Percentage.
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Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. Because today we are taking a look at the whitest cities in America. These are the large cities in the US that would get Mitt Romney excited — white-topias if you will. To our surprise, Iowa only makes one appearance in the top ten. However, after further review, that was only because two cities in Iowa have a large enough population to rank — and both are pretty white.
I guess Amazon should think of opening a couple of more Whole Foods in Billings , the whitest city in America for To see exactly how we calculated these rankings, read on. In Springfield, the white population is Like West Virginia and North Carolina. So, why Springfield, then? Bass Pro Shops has their headquarters here. Look at all of the places in Springfield area where you can fish or buy fishing things!
Population: , Percent White: And where is the 2nd whitest city of them all? Here in Billings, the white population is You can enjoy some golf while you herd your wild buffalo and shoot beer cans. Cowboys are a total white thing, and Montana loves them some cowboyin stuff. White people in Montana love to hunt. They love it so much, that a ton of people have deer stands in their front yards here.
Montana people will actually call in sick to work on the opening day of hunting season. You can judge a white Billings man by the number of does he plugged last winter, and by the size of his gun. And unsurprisingly, Yellowstone County overwhelmingly supported President Trump. Jiminy Christmas, Boysee. You are whi to the ite. Of course, Boise would be on this list.
Boise is Plus, most are white, and those are all very white things to do. You have your sweet potatoes and yellow potatoes and purple potatoes.
But in Boise they are only interested in one kind of potato — the white potato. JK is that even a thing? One major magazine called Idaho the second best state for second amendment supporters.
And we know how much white people like their sidearms. Half of all white households in America has protection in the house. So Boise makes a lot of milk, but are Boisians drinking their milk, too? That would be Sterling Heights, Michigan. Today, Sterling Heights is Sterling Heights is a posh Detroit suburb — so close in fact, that it really puts into perspective how big the gap is between races in America, based on just a few miles.
Sterling Heights is There are more people in Sterling Heights born in Iraq than any other foreign country. In fact, Michigan is 2nd in the nation for number of Middle Eastern born residents, and they call a section of Sterling Heights Little Baghdad. Rapper Eminem briefly lived in Sterling Heights for a brief period. Along with the great traditions at Michigan State and the University of Michigan , the Detroit Red Wings are quite possibly the most popular hockey team in America.
And, as you might expect, white people play hockey a TON. In terms of politics, this part of Michigan is very conservative. And, as it turns out, white people are apparently that kind of crazy. The white population in Fargo is currently According to government research, the white population drinks far more booze than any other race.
In fact, some studies say white folks drink three times more than any other race. Well, Fargo North Dakota has a ton of drinkers, since most of the people are white, and North Dakota is the drunkest state in the nation.
Fargo is home to the ever-popular sporting goods store, Scheels, which…what the heck? Welcome to the state of Washington, and, in particular, to the city of Spokane, on the eastern fringes of the Idaho border. This is Bigfoot country! Spokane is Apparently, all these white people need some Jerry Fallwell in their lives, since Spokane ranks as not only one of the most dangerous cities in the region, but in America.
Spokane is known for a few things — including a far higher than average white college basketball team. Local forums indicate Spokane is filled with a few things that are pretty white. Especially the outdoor activities part. White people sure like to hike and camp. One white stereotype is that white folks like to bring their dogs into restaurants. Did you know Washington ranks in the top ten for dog friendly states?
And Spokane in particular, has a ton of places where you can take your dog out for a meal with you. Remember this lady? This is Rachel Dolezal. And not just caucasian. I mean pale and pasty white. That means long hours spent indoors watching Friends reruns and playing parcheesi. If you live in Sioux Falls, odds are you drive a pick up truck, drink Budweiser and chew tobacco. White people like zoos. They also have a butterfly house.
Do white people like butterflies? Obviously you get a lot of snow in this part of the country, and Sioux Falls has lots of stuff for white folks to do — snowshoeing, skiing and snowboarding are all very much white sports.
Is Sioux Falls conservative? You betcha. In fact, practically the entire state of South Dakota voted for Trump. What in tarnation? Is this going to be the only Iowa city on this list? As it stands today, Cedar Rapids is Did you know Cedar Rapids is the cereal capital of the world? Do white people eat cereal more than minorities? Cedar Rapids is hosting a White Privilege Conference later this year. What the hell is that all about? Iowa is farm country, mister, and you can bet many families earn their incomes from putting food on your table.
Statewide, white folks count for about 5 out of every 6 residents. Yet, Arvada is the Colorado town that makes the list of the whitest places in America. Go figure. Besides its lack of diversity, Arvada has a lot going for it. It has an array of golf courses and parks, plus attractions like the Cussler Museum , dedicated to rare and vintage cars. Scottsdale, Arizona is It has become 9. According to the US Census, white people work more hours than any other race — and they work slightly more total hours than Asian Americans each week.
Based on research by job research site Zippia, Arizona is the 12th laziest state. So, that means Scottsdale is a bunch of lazy white people? Actually, Scottsdale residents probably work much harder than the rest of the state.
- U.S. metropolitan areas with the highest percentage of white population | Statista
The terminology "white states," "white people," or "white American" generally addresses по этой ссылке people who are of European descent, whitest places to live make the majority of the people living in the United States.
Specifically, the European Americans descendant of the whitest places to live European settlers make the largest ethnic group of White Americans. This is not surprising considering the European colonization of the Americas. Throughout the history of the US, there have been many definitions of "Whiteness," and the majority of those definitions reflected a social definition of race.
The term "white" was closely tied to the enslavement of African-Americans. David R. Roediger, professor of American Studies and History at the University of Kansas, believes that the construction of whiteness in America represented a mental distance between slaves and their owners. Today, White people are those of European descent, but many of the non-European people like Jewish Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, and others are also classified by the United States Census as White even though they might not be perceived as White.
The United States Census is the primary source for the data determining whitest places to live whitest states in the US. The northernmost state in the northeastern part of the United States is also the whitest источник the United States. That привожу ссылку Maine.
How white is Maine, then? It might surprise you, but around The third state with most of the white people in West Virginia Yes, the same place from the John Denver song with Next is New Whitest places to live, where Basically, most of the whitest states are located in the northern parts of the country. The further south you travel, there is страница racial diversity. Hawaii, California, and New Mexico are among the most racially diverse states.
Hawaiiin particular, is considered to be one of the most racially diverse states in the entire world, with many different ethnic groups and cultures. Hawaii is one of the most racially diverse places in the world. Ancient African Civilizations. Maya Civilization. Qing Dynasty. Historical Methods Of Execution. Punjabi Language.
Whitest places to live. Top 100 Cities Ranked by White Population Percentage
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Further related statistics U. Further Content: You might find this interesting as well. Statistics U. None of this comes as a surprise to people who move to the Pacific Northwest from other cities or who have lived elsewhere and come back home. While Seattle has one of the highest concentrations of Asians in the U. In a separate measure, which calculates the probability that two people chosen at random in the city would each be of a different race or ethnicity, Seattle also shows up as less diverse than other places.
In fact, among Washington cities with at least 10, people, Seattle was ranked 19th, after cities such as Bellevue, Redmond, Lynnwood and Mount Vernon. Too far from population centers on the East Coast and in the South, Seattle and Portland are destinations — not way stations to anyplace else in the country.
More important than diversity numbers is the way people live together and interact with one another, said Duduzile Dhlamini, who also works for the city of Seattle.
Afterward, segregation levels markedly declined in southern metro areas such as Atlanta, Dallas, and Houston, and stayed low in western metro areas. Today, many metro areas in the South and West register index values below In contrast, many northern areas with long-stagnating Black populations continue to show segregation levels into the 70s, reflecting the persistence of past patterns. Still, these areas have shown recent though small declines in segregation.
Download Table D. Latino or Hispanic segregation with whites is, on the whole, lower than Black segregation with whites, ranging between index values of 31 for Jacksonville, Fla. Areas with higher Latino or Hispanic segregation scores those above 50 tend to be long-standing immigration magnets or areas in the Northeast with substantial Puerto Rican populations.
As is the case with Black-white segregation, recently, the segregation levels between Latinos or Hispanics and whites has modestly declined. Download Table E. Map 2: Latino or Hispanic-white segregation in U. As we await the census results, these recent American Community Survey data suggest that segregation is still quite prevalent in the United States. These patterns have changed only modestly since the 21 st century began.
Report Produced by Brookings Metro. William H. Frey Senior Fellow - Brookings Metro. Other cities with a large number of racially concentrated areas of affluence include Philadelphia, with 70, Chicago, with 58, and Minneapolis, with In Boston, In St. Louis, Still, it's the poor areas, rather than the areas where whites have self-segregated, that get the most attention from policymakers, who have sought to ameliorate concentrated poverty in segregated areas by moving families from black, urban areas to white suburbs.
Beginning in , the federal government started dismantling housing projects, spending billions to retool the type of housing available to low-income people in urban cores. Goetz and his team are still researching the effects of this self-segregation of whites, but he thinks that a high number of RCAAs may be a negative factor for cities. Areas of affluence are located, on average, In Detroit, racially concentrated areas of affluence are, on average, In Washington, D.
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